Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Day 3 - Something you have to forgive yourself for.

If I may be vague about this? There is one thing I need to forgive myself for, which I will take with me to my grave. I never think about this "thing" unless encouraged, like this question. I've been carrying it since I was a kid, but it's a Post Secret type of thing. One of those things you never tell anyone, and do everything you can to forget. But I can't forget it, and I most certainly will not forgive myself for it.

(PS - Answers for Day 1 - 3 as well as the rest of the questions are on the 30DT link to the right)


Randa said...

Well now I'm curious . . . but I think we all have secrets like that [at least, I hope so, because I have a secret I'll never share, too].

Marta said...

I have two Post Secret things from my childhood... Bleh, i wanna forget it.